Marc Couture, honorary professor, Université TELUQ
Marc Couture
Honorary professor, Université TÉLUQ


[ Français

1. Non-disciplinary simulations

Two simulations developed and used in the course of a research project investigating open-ended problem solving strategies of undergraduate students.

2. VR Molecules

An award-winning simulation application for the visualization and exploration of molecule vibration and rotation, with the possibility to create and save multimedia presentations integrating simulation, text and sound.

3. The photoelectric effect

A realistic simulation of the photoelectric effect experiment.

4. Virtual Physics Lab

A simulation-based environment for learning the experimental method and physics concepts related to the simulated experiments.

For details, go to the Virtual Physics Lab Web site (in a new window), featuring among others, a description of the environment and a downloadable prototype.

Warning! The interface of the prototype is entirely in English, but many documents (including the online help) have not been translated into English. But there's plenty to see... and do!

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Last update : September 29, 2022