Marc Couture, honorary professor, Université TELUQ
Marc Couture
Honorary professor, Université TÉLUQ


[ Français



These are courses that were under my responsibility; some or not offered anymore. As all teaching at Télé-université is in French,all documents related to specific courses are in French.

As all teaching at Télé-université is in French, all documents related to specific courses are in French.

Links open in new windows. Links in left column refer to course descriptions on Télé-université website. Right column contains general info about the course and link(s) to course website or ancillary material.

MAT 1000

Outils mathématiques (Mathematical tools) (since 2012)

PHY 2001

Astronomie, histoire et concepts (Astronomy: History and concepts) (1988, revised 1998 and 2006)

SCI 1013

Introduction aux méthodes de recherche scientifique (Introduction to scientific research methods) (2003, revised 2012)

SCI 1014

La science ouverte (Open Science)(2014-2016)

SCI 1021

Sciences, techniques et civilisations, de l'Antiquité à la Renaissance (Science, technology & civilizations, from Antiquity te Renaissance) (1997, revised 2000)

SCI 1400 -
SCI 1405

Projet I et II (2003, revised 2010)

SCI 1410 -
SCI 1415

Stage I et II (2003)

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Last updated : May 6, 2021